Bedliner for Full Jeep or Truck Exteriors
Selecting Full Jeep or Truck Bedliners and Exterior Coatings: Resolving Mysteries About Polyurea
This article explains the advantages to using a truck bed polyurea or poly-hybrid versus auto paint to cover a full vehicle. Polyurea coatings were always used on much more than truck beds. Flexible, and durable, polyurea can be used for complete interior, exterior, entire vehicle jobs, as well as boats, live ponds and waterscapes. Most specialized or highly utilized surfaces benefit extremely from added protection of polyurea as a most cost effective protective coating. SL&C provides several polyurea types using the same or superior grade materials such as national brands like Rhino Linings or Line-X. Many of these brand name dealers have found that SL&C has same or better products at lower pricing but without the brand name.
Why would you want to consider coating your truck, jeep, trailer, or boat with a polyurea or poly-hybrid coating? Bottom Line: They are the most cost effective option for not only protecting your investments but also for aesthetic value. Using bedliner to coat your vehicle comes out much cheaper than a basic auto paint job! PPG charges an average price of $348 a gallon for standard black auto paint, DuPont charges on average $329, and SEM, a cheaper grade charges on average $210. Polyurea Line-X sells to its dealers can cost up to $69 a gallon in large drums only. Rhino is similarly priced. SL&C brand products are less expensive even with costs of installation.
At 2 to 5 gallons required for a quality bed liner these costs show why average retail bedliner price is over $540 via Line-X or Rhino dealers. With Spray-Lining and Coatings, dealer costs for material are much less as is average bed liner pricing: $425. Rhino and Line-X are also only available through and applied by a dealer which is distinct from DIY options available through Spray-Lining and Coatings. The prices of Line-X and Rhino are only for the product itself which unfortunately is unavailable as Rhino and Line-X dealers must sell you the service only. Smaller quantities than big drums requiring expensive equipment is available with a cartridge system in Rhino Pro, that's still several truck beds or full jeeps and a few thousand bucks. Although SL&C sells that same cartridge system with full support via our dealers Rhino dealers are literally hurt by a DIY variation of what they cannot sell you, so they won't help you.
Spray-Lining and Coatings or SL&C charges $17 to $38 a gallon to its dealers and if you go for the DIY route its $17 to $52 a gallon, a bit more only because of lower quantity than dealer uses. There is little differences between the DIY route with SL&C versus going to a dealer in that the application process with varying equipment types changes application method. Still SL&C and it's dealers fully support DIY jobs, especially spraying full vehicle exterior, interior, under body, and all details.
So why pick SL&C when you could go down to Wal-Mart for even cheaper DIY bedliner and be done with it? Because 1 gallon of urethane with a dollar-store-type roller for $70 to $96 is actually more expensive than DIY via SL&C! The truth is that most other DIY bedliner products available at major retail outlets are single part products which simply paint your truck bed with a thin layer. After applying a thin coat, they further dry (loosing up to 50% their original volume). All SL&C products are plural component product which cure into a thick truck bed coating.
For a Polyurea blend, SL&C is the bottom line, bottom dollar solution to full jeep, full truck, boats, trailers; overall polyurea type coating needs. In the long run, these are the only materials durable enough, and elastic enough to have any tangible value as this type of specialized, protective coating. All other DIY competitors use polyurethane, urethane, and other blends which do not have the high build capability or flexibility required for true protection. SL&C uses premium quality Polyurea in our RLA cartridge kits superior to Rhino in test results.
Rhino and Line-X sell value in that name brand but to its dealers, which means to you its overpriced polyurea and application while SL&C doesn't come near the cost for higher spec product: Spray Lining and Coatings Specifications. Generic competitors may seem like a good deal but here's some others: You can't buy Vortex liners unless you're a dealer and you can't even find a dealer without filling out a form with few actual locations as they are only likely to have maybe 1 dealer per state. Reflex and Vortex yielded similar results. Check out a few other brands here-
FOR DEALER (i.e. via "their costs") APPLIED: Spray on Bedliner Franchise Reviews
FOR DIY: Truck Bed Liner DIY Kit Comparison
With Polyurea being a cheaper alternative to auto paint, and SL&C offering the highest quality polyurea and poly-hybrid products priced at an average of half of the major competitors, it's easy to see SL&C as the only option. In essence, no other competitor has a kit specially designed for a full vehicle, we corner the market when it comes to total body custom lining and coating jobs. This is one of the few vendors where lowest price equals higher quality. Simple- SL&C has the best bedliner and exterior coatings, equipment and support pricing. This EQUALS best deal.
See some of Spray Lining and Coatings current DIY products for coating your Jeep, SUV, or truck exterior on our new Spray Lining and Coatings DIY Storefront.
SL&C Exterior Jeep Coating DIY kit:
SL&C Exterior Custom Color Jeep Coating DIY kit:
You can also get your entire Jeep, SUV, or truck coated inside and out with Spray Lining and Coatings Complete Jeep Bedliner Coating Kit .
What are you waiting for?
Give Spray Lining and Coatings a call today!
I had a 2008 Toyota Tundra crew cab fully coated. The shop used stuff by the name of Monsta which wore off & cracked everywhere. I paid more to National Lining & Coating Svc, a NE Distributor for SLC to remove the junk. I bought this Full jeep DIY kit via SLC for $915. Thats advised for the whole coating on the Tundra. Its now metallic silver gray, way thicker. Its been about 6 months so far but it gets major abuse & really looks close to new.
THANKS Allen! SLC works hard to be the #1 dealer-grade polyurea bedliner, DIY or done via SLC dealers.
I run a body shop that customizes. What are the differences between your DIY for jeep bedliner kit and your professional grade polyurea?
DIY Bedliner is made of same, high quality polyurea as SLC dealer grade. The DIY jeep bed liner is less flexible on exterior and more flexible, i.e. most slip-proof for interior. Exterior quantity is much more as is required. Any kit or DIY package is customize-able. Just call or email us.
DIY jeep Bedliner is a polyurea Hybrid that flexes but is meant for exterior body so its less flexible than, say, pick up truck bedliner.
I have same question. It’s Sunday now I called the main # for Ben Dexters SLC . I understand Polyurea is the real deal but I want to hear what their actual supplier said. Just left message at the actual SLC supplier.
I work in tech support at Ben Dexters Spray-Lining. Of these retailed or internet shopped DIY truck bed liners, none are actual polyurea except the 3 mentioned above. Look carefully and you’ll learn all are more expensive also than Spray-Lining & Coatings. The truth is here:
don’t know your # so call 855-545-4900 24/7
Can you split your full size DIY jeep Bedliner kit to ship exactly half the amount? I want to
Coat the lower half of a 1989 Jeep Wagoneer with fender wells for sound deadening. It’s lifted 4 inches with high profile knobby tires so drives very noisy on street. Your full jeep or full truck kit would leave a lot over.
get the Economy or Pro Truck Bed Kit- that’ll do it
With bedliner for full jeep or truck exteriors is that same flexibility as your truck bed liner?
It’s good to know that bed liners are the most cost effective option for protecting your investment and the aesthetic value of your truck, like you said. I’m thinking about buying my first truck. I didn’t realize that I would need to get a bed liner for it. I’ll definitely have to do some searching to find a good solution for protecting it.